Back in November 2011, Fiona over at
Handmade By Fiona blogged about the Pay it forward project
I stuck my virtual hand in the air and did my best “Oh oh yes please! Pick me please!” when Fiona put a call out for participants. Yesterday, a parcel arrived in the post and in it was this incredibly gorgeous bag made especially for me by the wonderful Fiona ... (
photos courtesy of Fiona – thanks Fiona – the photos I took today were mostly rubbish!)
How beautiful is that and how lucky am I?!! The inside looks like this –
I did manage to take one reasonably decent photo – here is the bag waiting to head out to the shops with me this afternoon.
Surfing around blogosphere, I discovered that the Pay It Forward Project 2012 was originally hosted by Erin Keane who explains
here how this project grew out of a Facebook challenge, which took place at the beginning of 2011.
The Pay it Forward Project is about each person creating something and sharing their talents with others who are like-minded and creative. The recipient of that special something then takes up the challenge and commits to making something for three other people, then those three people make things for others and so it grows exponentially and indefinitely.
Do you fancy joining in? Here's how it works:
If you want to take part, please leave a comment at the bottom of this post here on my blog, letting me know you want to be included. (By the way, if you wish to comment but do not wish to take part, do say please. I would still love to hear from you and understand that not everyone can commit to a project like this.)
The first three people who leave a comment telling me they want to join in will each receive a handmade gift from me during the next 12 months. I think this is a modification of the original project but I am so not complaining. This means in turn that you have a whole year to pay it forward.
When you receive my gift, it's your turn to pay it forward to three people on your blog! (Feel free to copy and paste the rules from this post.)
Blogger for some reason doesn’t always capture the email address of those who comment. So if you look and you’re one of the first 3 who want to be included, please drop me an email (adydando at googlemail dot com) with your email address and postal address too. That way I’ll have what I need to send you your gift.
Have a wonderful weekend, friends.