A while back, I saw some mock smock Disney fabric at Joanns Fabrics and knowing Missy Moo's love for all things pink and princess-ey, I bought a yard of the stuff, intending to knock up a quick summer frock for her.
This stuff is fabulous! The fabric is pre-shirred and hemmed. So making the dress was dead easy.
Step 1 - measure the required length and cut.
Step 2 - placing fabric right sides together, sew up the seam to form a tube of fabric.
Step 3 - add straps.
Step 4 - put finished dress on child, sit back and enjoy the prettiness which took less than an hour to do.
Missy Moo adores her dress. She kept telling me all weekend how much she loved it. I made elasticated ruffles straps from a contrasting gingham. I thought I might eventually add a ruffled strip to the bottom hem of the dress too.

She wore it on Saturday and Sunday. I have strict instructions to ensure it is washed and dried and ready to wear next weekend!

It was the first weekend we've had almost summery weather - the mornings were slightly chilly but the afternoons soon warmed up beautifully.

I've heard that Walmart sometimes have mock smock fabric in store but not having a Walmarts over here, I wouldn't know. Hancock has quite a few on their website too - some in adult lengths! My problem is they don't ship to the UK. Drats!
This was such an easy and fun sewing project. And the client was totally satisfied. What more could I want?
Wishing you a great week ahead, friends.