Resolution 2 was to use up my accumulated stash of card blanks, coloured cards and paper, scraps of wrapping paper, my small collection of stamps and punches, bits and bobs which come free with crafting magazines and make my own greeting cards for friends and family. I shared some of the simple cards I made earlier in the year on one of the My Creative Space posts. I made about 6 or 7 for myself and almost a dozen for my mum. At the weekend, I realised that I was down to my last birthday card and broke out the stash to make a few more.
A little coloured card goes a long way when it comes to punching out a few shapes and sticking them together. The odd metal brad adds a bit of interest.
I found a couple of packs of die cut flower shapes and thought it might be real cute to add some 3D-ness to one or two cards.
There are those metal brads again. I love these metal brads. I'm always worrying about the shapes I stick on the cards falling off and the brads provide that bit of security. These shapes are going nowhere!
There's a bit of a floral theme going on with this bunch of cards. Mr CraftAdy peered over my shoulder when I was sticking some bits down and said "They're very girlie." I guess they are but I like them.
I think I need to start looking for a few 'un-girlie' bits and bobs to make cards for the guys. Otherwise, I'll only have girlie cards like this one.
For now the stash is getting used and I don't need to purchase any store-bought cards for my girl friends.
Resolution number 3 was to do more sewing .... hmmmm, I have several months left in 2011 to try to achieve this resolution. For now, two out of three ain't bad, huh?
Have a great day, friends.