I wanted to make it girlie and throw in a few seed beads. My first attempt at a Helm chain looked pretty enough but it looked too similar to the centipede weave I had worked on earlier here. Then it struck me that I could double up the chains, weave them together and make a fabulous wide chain.
This 7 inch cuff bracelet is made from eighty-two 8.5mm bright aluminium rings, seventy-four 4mm gold-plated aluminium rings, twenty-six glass seed beads and a slide lock clasp. I think this is by far my favourite piece to date. Do you like it?
Just for good measure, I made a pair of matching earrings too.
For some reason, I was reminded of JRR Tolkien's Lord of the Rings when I was making this double-width Helm chain - I kept thinking of Helms Deep, identified in Peter Jackson's film adaptation of the book as "the great fortress of Rohan".
Have a great week, friends.
Yes!! Absolutely gorgeous!!